Wytwarzanie produktów leczniczych jest dla nas nie tylko kwestia wykonania pewnego procesu technologicznego, ale misją związaną z człowiekiem opartą na wysokim standardzie jakości, bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności leków.
Mamy aktywną i kluczową rolę w podnoszeniu standardów życia codziennego. Sprawiamy, że społeczeństwo jest lepiej poinformowane, zdrowsze, szczęśliwsze i bezpieczniejsze
ACQUISITION OF OWN SHARES Current report No 14/2015 Dated 5 February 2015 SOPHARMA AD hereby informs that from 29 January 2015 up to and including 4 February 2015 the Company bought 3 200 own shares representing 0.0024% of the share capital of the Company, at a total value of 11 534.90 BGN on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the average price per share was 3.605 BGN. The trading of treasury shares is pursuant to decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 23 June 2010.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sopharma Ognian Donev was elected Vice-President of the Vienna Economic Forum. Thus, he will be one of the three Vice-Presidents of the President of the Organisation Mr. Erhard Busek who was Vice-Chancellor of Austria in the period of 1991-1995 and Special Co-ordinator of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe in the period of 2002-2008. The Vienna Economic Forum is an organisation making its object to promote and help for the practical achievement of investments in the region from the Adriatic to the Black Sea.
"Cytisine has been available in the former socialist economy countries of eastern Europe since 1964. Made by the Bulgarian drug company Sopharma AD and sold as Tabex, it has never been available to most of the rest of the world. A new study from New Zealand reported in the Dec. 18 New England Journal of Medicine compared the cessation results of cytisine to varenicline." http://www.winonadailynews.com Tobacco is likely the most addictive chemical we humans encounter (except maybe for Oreo cookies.
Providing information about health culture, prevention of socially significant diseases, providing care for disadvantaged people, public engagement of employees – these are our priorities in the work for the benefit of society. The social and health care for the elderly– this is not only medical treatment but care and attention as well. The endless waiting and queues in front of the GP’s cabinet, sometimes only to measure the blood pressure, is hard for a pensioner.
International Conference for Corporate Communication and Public Relations “European Communication Summit 2012”, organized yearly by the European Association of Communication Directors, was held in Brussels on the 5-th and 6-th of July 2012.
"Cytisine has been available in the former socialist economy countries of eastern Europe since 1964. Made by the Bulgarian drug company Sopharma AD and sold as Tabex, it has never been available to most of the rest of the world. A new study from New Zealand reported in the Dec. 18 New England Journal of Medicine compared the cessation results of cytisine to varenicline." http://www.winonadailynews.com Tobacco is likely the most addictive chemical we humans encounter (except maybe for Oreo cookies.
The Initiative was presented on 12.07.2012 at Festa Hotel in Sofia with a seminar on Turning Innovation to Competitive Advantage.
University representatives announced the start of a competition for innovative managers, the awards being one 100% EMBA scholarship and two 50% scholarships. The Media partners are Bulgaria on Air TV, Investor and Job Tiger TV.
On 17.07.2012, the truck fleet of Sopharma AD increased by seven new Mercedes trucks.
The entire cycle for manufacture of medicinal products according to the European and world standards of Good Manufacturing Practice requires transport complying with high criteria. For this purpose, the latest model refrigerated trucks for transport on the roads of Bulgaria were made at Mercedes Works in Germany and delivered by a special order of Balkanstar, the long-year partner of Sopharma.
The Radiodetsa Children's Vocal Group of the Bulgarian National Radio, together with the Dzeguzite Choir of the Latvian National Radio realized their tour in Latvia, in which the children expressed their message for health and children's laughter.
Concerts started in Kuldiga that was celebrating its three-day national holiday of the city, went on with two performances in Ventspils and ended at the National Radio of Riga, Latvia. By their songs and dances, Bulgarian and Latvian children exchanged their cultures and music, brought joy and fun to children and grown-ups alike.
Today in Sopharma the pilot “edition” of “Responsible Consumption”, part of the project of UN Global Compact Bulgaria – The Responsible Choice, was held at Sopharma. “Responsible Consumption” is a module aimed at the employees of the companies that joined the project, and through it they can share their vision of what reasonable behavior is and how they can be active consumers. These in-house discussions will help in the writing of Responsible Consumer Guide.