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Notification under Art. 89t of LPOS regarding public offering of warrants by “Sopharma” AD
Sofia, Bulgaria, November 5, 2021 – According to the requirements of art. 100t of LPOS, “Sopharma” AD (SFA: “BSE-Sofia” AD, SPH: Warsaw Stock Exchange) notifies that “Sopharma” AD, with registered office and address of management Sofia, 16 Iliensko Shosse Str., UIC 831902088, LEI code 097900BGGW0000048796, pursuant to Art. 89t of LPOS, notifies all shareholders of the company and all interested parties regarding the start of an initial public offering of warrants. The warrants have ISIN BG9200001212. The prospectus was approved with decision № 804 - Е of 04.11.2021 of the Financial Supervision Commission. All interested parties can get acquainted with the prospectus on the FSC website, on the website of “Sopharma” AD (www.sopharmagroup.com), on the website of the investment intermediary “MK Brokers” AD (https://www.mkb.bg/) and on www.x3news.com.
The number of offered securities is 44,932,633 warrants.
The minimum number of warrants that must be subscribed for the issue to be successful is 22,466,317 warrants. Any interested person may subscribe for at least one warrant if he holds at least three rights and a maximum number of warrants equal to the rights he holds divided by three.
The issue price of one warrant is BGN 0.28.
All warrants entitle their holders to subscribe for shares from a future capital increase of “Sopharma” AD at a currently determined exercise value of BGN 4.13. The right to subscribe for shares may be exercised within 3 years in the manner described in the issue prospectus.
The date of publication of this notice is considered to be the starting date of the public offering. The date on which warrants of the current issue can be subscribed at the earliest is the first working day after the expiration of 7 working days after the publication of this notice under 89t. The starting date for transfer of rights ю is the first working day following the expiration of 7 working days from the starting date of the public offering. The last date for transfer of rights is 15 calendar days after the start date for the transfer of rights. In case the term expires on a non-working day, according to the rules of the Law on Obligations and Contracts, the deadline for the transfer of rights is considered to be the first following working day. The term for subscription of warrants expires 15 working days after the expiration of the term for transfer of rights. It is not allowed to subscribe warrants before the initial and after the last date for subscribing warrants. The terms for transfer of the rights and subscription of the warrants can be extended one time by Sopharma AD to up to 20 days, by making the respective amendments to the Prospectus. According to Art. 89l of LPOS, Sopharma AD immediately announces in the FSC and publishes on the website of the issuer and the investment intermediary, a notice for extension of the subscription period.
Rights Issue Information (source “BSE” AD)
In connection with the decision of the Board of Directors of May 21, 2021 for public offering of warrants of “Sopharma” AD and subsequent disclosure under art. 89t of the LPOS on the websites of the electronic media (www.x3news.com), of the Issuer (www.sopharmagroup.com) and the authorized investment intermediary (https://www.mkb.bg/) on November 5, 2021, by order of the Director of Trading, pursuant to Art. 34, para. 3 in conjunction with Art. 32, para. 2 of Part III of the Rules for admission to trading of the “Bulgarian Stock Exchange” AD Rules, the BSE admits to trading the following rights issue:
- Number of shares before the increase: 134 797 899;
- Number of rights issued: 134 797 899;
- Number of warrants offered for subscription: 44,932,633;
- Issue value of the warrants: BGN 0.28;
- Ratio between issued rights and warrants: right / warrants: 3/1;
- Each person may record at least one warrant and at most a number of warrants equal to the number of rights acquired and/or held by him, divided by 3, the result being rounded to the nearest whole number;
- The subscription will be considered successful only if at least 22,466,317 of the offered warrants are subscribed and paid;
- The warrants give the right to their holders to subscribe within 3 years the respective number of shares - underlying asset of the warrants at an issue value of BGN 4.13 per share, with a conversion ratio of warrant/share: 1/1;
- Exchange code of the issued rights: SFA1;
- ISIN code of the issued rights: BG4000006214;
- CFI code of the issued rights: will be announced additionally;
- LEI code of the issuer: 097900BGGW0000048796;
- Segment MIC: ZBUL;
- Market lot (lot): 1 (one) right;
- Currency of trade: BGN;
- Indicative reference price for the first trading session: BGN 0.01;
- Minimum quotation step: 0.001;
- Start date for trading the rights on the stock exchange: November 17, 2021;
- End date for trading the rights on the stock exchange: November 30, 2021;
- Start date for transfer of rights: November 17, 2021;
- Deadline for transfer of rights: December 2, 2021;
- Date of the auction under Art. 112b, para. 7 of LPOS: December 6, 2021;
- Start date for subscription of warrants: November 17, 2021;
- Deadline for subscription of warrants: December 23, 2021;
- Exchange member, authorized to service the offering of warrants: II “MK Brokers” AD;
- Accumulation account at “Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria” EAD;
- The right to participate in the subscription of warrants have the persons, who have acquired shares not later than 5 working days after the date of publication of the announcement under art. 89t, para. 1 of LPOS, i.e. shareholders as of November 12, 2021 (Friday);
- The last date for concluding transactions with shares of this company on the Exchange, as a result of which the acquirer has the right to participate in the subscription of warrants is November 10, 2021 (Wednesday).
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