Seventh annual meeting of businesses with the government

The seventh annual meeting of businesses with the government took place on 03.12.2012 at Sheraton Sofia. Ognian Donev, the Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sopharma PLC participated in it in his capacity of Chairman of the CEIB /Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria/.


Cherni Vrah Bicycle Rally 2013

The tenth jubilee edition of the "Drag-Cherni Vrah" competition of mountain biking, cross-country race, took place on October 5th, 2013. Over 200 participants passed the 40-km route from Boyana to Cherni Vrah and back with much enthusiasm and satisfaction. Sopharma AD was again a partner to the rally and was highly appraised by both organizers and participants.


Tennis Tournament - Team Championship for Journalists

The tennis players from the Bulgarian National Television won the complex position in the restored team championship for journalists, which finished this day on Tennis Club “Dema”. The event was organised by TC “Journalist” and was carried out with the support of Sopharma AD. The BNT team was composed of Irina Tsoneva, Sasho Yovkov and Asen Grigorov. Quite naturally, the National TV earned also the team title for men.


Tennis Tournament “Diplomats and Friends”

In the finals in category “aged over 50 years” he domineered over H.E. Matthias Höpfner, Ambassador of Germany, winning 6:3 games in a challenging match. Sopharma AD sponsored the tournament and exactly the two finalists and the BTF President Mr Stefan Tsvetkov were the initiators of its performance.

In the final couples matches in category “aged over 50 years” Mr Svetlozar Panov and Mr Christian Iliev won the title after the success achieved over the singles champion H.E. Mario Konticheli, Ambassador of Italy to Bulgaria and the Defence Minister Mr Angel Naydenov.


Sustainable Social Programme We for the Society

A sunny October day in Balvan! We planted the first acorn trees from the special selection under the Plant 80 Trees project on the grounds of the Home for Elderly and the area around the village square. By essential medicines and professional blood pressure and heart rate measuring device donated by Sopharma, we joined the Pensioner's Club in Balvan to the sustainable social programme "We for the Society".


Sopharma donated first aid kits with essential medicines

Charitable Association, jointly with Sopharma, Corporate Communications and Advertising Department, with Elena Krasteva as Director, donated twenty first aid kits with essential medicines. The first aid kits were given to mayors and organizers of youth centres in the county of Veliko Tarnovo, including the village of Velchevo and the village of Novo Selo, and one was given to serve the needs of a pensioners club.

