Sopharma with two CSR projects in contest for Responsible Business Awards 2012

The tenth jubilee issue of the Annual Business Responsibility Awards of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum collected a record-breaking number of nominees. The successfully realised sustainable projects of Sopharma - "Corporate Social Centre" and "We for the Society" - "Health Days", are also among the 85 projects. They were featured in the categories "Investor in Human Capital" and "Cause-related Marketing".


Ognian Donev: We are expecting the new plant to open this May

It became evident from the words of the Chief Executive Officer of Sopharma that Lyubomir Pavlov had to cover an obligation to the lending banks, which caused him to sell.

The Chief Executive Officer of Sopharma AD, Ognian Donev, has once again joined in the discussion with investors of the forum of He answered some questions posted on the topic, found in the section Comments on

Amongst the topics were the auctions of large packs of shares of Sоpharma AD, the dividend policy of the company and the entry of new investors in the company.


Generation Awake - Every Choice makes the World Different

Generation Awake accepted Sopharma as their partner and adherent. “Generation Awake” - the European Commission campaign is for efficient use of natural resources. It is oriented to active people ready to change their daily habits, to make a better place of the World we are living in.

The campaign topic each year is different, which for 2014 is the better management of wastes. This is a key element to achieve the Green Economy objectives.


Velichko Konakchiev interview with Dr. Konstantin Trenchev and Mr. Ognian Donev

Dr. Konstantin Trenchev: KT "Podkrepa" proposes measures to stimulate the economy V. K.: There is some logic to start the conversation in a way things really are - tripartite cooperation. I have other questions for you, of course, I hope we have time for all of them. Next week the tripartite cooperation will convene, what do the employers at KRIB want from the current government? O. D.: Perhaps to distance myself from this, but also as a joke with Dr. Trenchev, I personally do not believe in his theory of a good king and a bad gatekeeper, he will probably understand what I mean ... V.


Paper Art. Charity exhibition presents art created with newspapers.

Who knew that newspapers can make something so beautiful?

One of Sopharma’s longtime empolyees, Tanya Iordanova, demonstrated this with an array of handcrafted newspapers and colorful paper objects. On March 18th and 19th, in celebration of Spring approaching, and in support of the charity bazaars “ Help a friend”, Sopharma employees can enjoy their colleague's unique art.


Unravel the mystery of the consciousness with Ratio

The second event of its kind for popular science - a Ratio forum, is coming up.

After the huge success of its first edition in the fall of last year, this year's forum for the science of human language will be held on April 27th at the Mladezki Theatre Sofia. Ratio 2013 will introduce you to new scientific topics presented by four interesting speakers who talk about science that is engaging and accessible for everyone. Ratio wants to show that science is not just for scientists - it could be interesting for everyone.

