Information about treasury shares

SOPHARMA AD hereby informs that from 26 February 2015 up to and including 4 March 2015 the Company bought 1 000 own shares representing 0.00076% of the share capital of the Company, at a total value of 3 280.00 BGN on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the average price per share was 3.28 BGN.

The trading of treasury shares is pursuant to decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 23 June 2010.

The total number of treasury shares after these transactions is 5 147 056, representing 3.90% of the share capital of the Company.


Disclosure of shareholdings

The Board of Directors of Sopharma AD (the “Company”) hereby notifies that on 26 November 2012 Sopharma AD received a notification of disclosure of shareholdings from Telso AD regarding the selling of 35,000 shares. After this transaction the share of Telso AD in the capital of Sopharma AD decreased to 4,979%.

The date of registration of the transaction with the Central Depository AD is 26 November 2012.



Sopharma AD notifies that in connection with the Easter Holiday the results for April 2016 will be published on 11 May 2016.


General Meeting of Shareholders of Sopharma AD

Sopharma AD (the “Company”) notifies that on the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Sopharma AD, conducted on 17 June 2016 in Sofia, 5 Lachezar Stanchev Str., were taken the following decisions:

AGM approved the Annual report of the Board of Directors of the Company for 2015.

AGM approved the Annual report of the Investor Relations Director for 2015;

AGM approved the Audit report on the audit of the annual financial statements of the Company for 2015;

AGM approved the audited annual financial statements of the Company for 2015;


Sopharma Ukraine OOD

The Board of Directors of Sopharma AD (the “Company”) notifies that it took the decision to establish the "Sopharma Ukraine OOD" company with headquarters in Kiev, Ukraine and with share capital of 1,000,000 / one million / UAH. The aim of the company is to optimize the trading business in Ukraine.



Sopharma AD notifies that the Board of Directors of Sopharma AD authorized the executive director of the company to enter into a contract for the sale of the shareholding of Sopharma AD in the capital of Ivanchich and Sons, Serbia. The transaction was concluded on May 9th, 2016 in Belgrade, Serbia. The parameters of the transaction are subject to confidentiality clauses in the interest of the all parties. Sopharma AD will continue its activities on the Serbian market through its daughter company Sopharma Trading AD.


Sales revenues for April 2016

The Board of Directors of SOPHARMA AD (the “Company”) hereby informs that for April 2016 Sopharma AD realized a decrease of sales revenues of 19% compared to the same month of last year, including retention of the level of domestic sales and 29% decrease of export sales.


Information about treasury shares

The Board of Directors of SOPHARMA AD (the “Company”) hereby informs that from 22 November 2012 up to and including 28 November 2012 the Company bought 6010 own shares representing 0.0045% of the share capital of the Company, to the total value of BGN 13230.96 on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. The average price per share was BGN 2.20.


Sales revenues for May 2016

For the first five months of this year, revenues from sales decreased by 13% compared to the same period of 2015, including 3% decrease of domestic sales and a 19% decrease of export sales, which is due to the lower number of workdays in the month of May.


Sales revenues for November 2012

The Board of Directors of Sopharma AD (the “Company”) notifies that for November 2012 sales revenues remained at the same level compared to the same period of 2011, including 1% increase of export sales and no changes in domestic sales.

During the first eleven months of this year Sopharma AD recorded an increase of sales revenues of 2%, including 9% decrease of domestic sales and 6% increase of export sales compared to the same period of 2011.

