I am proud of the work of my parents

Sopharma AD welcomed children of its employees under the projectofUnitedNationsGlobalCompactNetworkBulgaria "I am proud of the work of my parents ".


Largest corporate donor 2014

President Plevneliev hosted the awarding of the Ninth annual prizes „Largest Corporate Donor 2014". This competition awards prizes to domestic companies that consistently and transparently support initiatives and causes significant for the society. This year's ceremony focused the voluntary work, volunteer's efforts and role in society, as well as the accomplished changes.


I am proud of the work of my parents

SOPHARMA has joined the project of United Nations Global Compact Network Bulgaria "I am proud of the work of my parents". The aim is to put the focus on the values– of work, endeavour and learning on the territory of our work places, so as to show our children real work environment, to meet them with professionals, to show them the work of their parents and remind them that any man should learn during his whole life if he wants to be successful.


Projekt ‘Szczycę się pracą swoich rodziców’ został wyróżniony na Rocznych nagród HR 2015

Zbiorowy projekt „Szczycę się pracą swoich rodziców” został wyróżniony w konkursie tradycyjnych rocznych nagród w zakresie zasobów ludzkich. Ceremonia wręczenia nagród odbyła się 20 01.2016 w Rainbow Plaza w Sofii.

Projekt Bułgarskiej sieci Umowy Globalnej ONZ został wyróżniony jako najlepszy projekt zintegrowania edukacji z biznesem za rok 2015. Nagrodę przyznaje się projektowi w zakresie zasobów ludzkich za osiągnięcie efektywnego oraz skutecznego współdziałania biznesu z edukacją.


Children's Career Fair Will Take Place In Sofia

On the 10th of December (Wednesday) from 15:00 o’clock, in the building of the former Central Sofia Bath (next to TZUM) starts a unique Children’s Career Fair. Within the fair, over 16 companies will show some of their professions in an interesting and fun way for children. Entrance is free, and the recommended age for the children is from 9 to 16 years.


First Children Career Fair

On December 10th the first children career fair in the country took place.It marked the successful final of "I am Proud of the Work of My Parents" 2014, a project of the Bulgarian Network of UN Global Contract. At the stand of Sopharma, the guests could see how "elephant tooth paste" was made and could win a present in return for a hug by the "Healthy" machine. All companies participating in the project presented the main professions related to their business, various workshops, presentations and entertainments.


Sopharma AD supported the 41st edition of Dr.Todor Todorov Tennis Tournament for Men

Thirty two participants took place in the qualifications for the basic scheme of the 41st edition of "Dr.Todor Todorov" Tennis Tournament for Men organized by the Bulgarian Tennis Federation. Sofia Tennis Hall at Boris Garden Park became again the scene of serious battles and emotions for the prestigious trophy. "Dr.Todor Todorov" tournament is the oldest professional tennis tournament for men in our country.


Forgotten Drug Works Better than Nicotine Patches to Help Smokers Quit

Cytisine is finally emerging from behind the Iron Curtain as a viable treatment to help people quit smoking. Smoking accounts for more avoidable public health damage than anything else, including obesity. The path to giving up the vice is paved with smoking cessation aids, such as nicotine gums and patches and the drug varenicline (Chantix). But there’s another treatment that works at least as well. Though it’s been in use since the 1960s, many American doctors have never heard of it. It costs a fraction of what Pfizer’s Chantix does, and it’s even cheaper than patches and gums.


Quit Smoking Drug From Eastern Europe Better Than Nicotine Tx?

Nancy A. Rigotti, MD, of the Tobacco Research and Treatment Center at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard in Boston, agreed in aneditorial accompanying the NEJM paper. However, getting the drug to the U.S. market could be a challenge, Rigotti told MedPage Today. The manufacturer in Bulgaria never saw a market for the drug in the U.S. and so never tried for approval, she explained. "We're sort of stuck here," she said in an interview.

