Wytwarzanie produktów leczniczych jest dla nas nie tylko kwestia wykonania pewnego procesu technologicznego, ale misją związaną z człowiekiem opartą na wysokim standardzie jakości, bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności leków.
Mamy aktywną i kluczową rolę w podnoszeniu standardów życia codziennego. Sprawiamy, że społeczeństwo jest lepiej poinformowane, zdrowsze, szczęśliwsze i bezpieczniejsze
Iliana Benovska: Mr. Vasilev came out yesterday with a statement from Vienna, in which he said that somebody was trying to buy his assets with cheap money.
Ognian Donev: Mrs. Benovska, I think I am the last person you should put in the position of Tsvetan Vasilev’s lawyer.
Iliana Benovska: I make you an analyst.
Ognian Donev: The least of Delian Peevski because I am subjectively burdened. And at the same time we should see what is the effect not on me as a physical person but what is the effect on economy, this is more important.
Today Trade Unions and employers' organizations called for a Steering Committee to deal with problems relevant to the Corporate Commercial Bank (CCB).The idea of such steering committee is developed in a letter sent to the President, Prime Minister, Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank, Head of the Financial Supervision Committee and the parliamentary political party leaderships.
Mr. Rossen Plevneliev President of the Republic of Bulgaria
Mr. Plamen Oresharski Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria
Summer is at its height, but notwithstanding that, it is the second year now that Sopharma AD prepares its first grade pupils for their first day of school.
In July 2014, in Brussels, the Executive Committee of the European Generic Association (EGA) had a meeting, at which a new Secretary of EGA Executive Committee was elected. The so far Executive Committee member Mr. Vladimir Afenliev, who is also Director of Business Operations, Strategic and Structure Development Department of Sopharma AD, was elected to this position.
Sopharma AD provided a free tennis camp for the children of its employees that took place on the courts of the National Tennis Centre. With coaches and all-day special program, the children acquired new skills in a healthy environment, new friends and positive emotions.
Today is the first working day of the Open Air Office, the only open area cowоrking space initiative till now, accomplished with the cooperation of Sopharma. Open Air Officeprovides work space to everyone whose official duties are not associated with a particular office address. This initiative is entirely in line with the current trends of the sharing economy, providing high-speed wifi from Max, independent power sources for mobile devices provided by Sopharma, coffee and water from Zdravi, and all of this being for free.
The life of one disposable bag is 12 minutes on the average. The effects on the environment as a result are not just visible, they are dramatic. #banthebag
We, at Sopharma, have for years been using reusable bags made of recycled materials and Degralen for our advertising messages.
The active season in the recreational facility of Sopharma AD in Pomorieis from June 4th to September 15th. The recreational facility has 50 rooms. There аre organized 18 shifts to meet at the maximum the demand for a vacation at the sea coast. The capacity of the recreational facility for a season is about 2700 people.