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Zawiadomienie o zwołaniu Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia

30 Lipiec 2018

Sopharma AD (3JR: “BSE-Sofia” AD, SPH: Warsaw Stock Exchange) draws attention to the fact that the registration for participation in the Extraordinary General meeting convened on 1 August 2018 will end at 10:45 am to comply with the opening hours announced for the start of the general meeting for the convenience of all shareholders.

For registration and participation in IOSA, natural persons - shareholders must present an identity document. Legal entities - shareholders must provide an original or a certified copy of a current commercial / court registration certificate as well as a legal representative's identity document.

In view of the technical provision of the registration procedure for participation in the General meeting of shareholders, copies of the issued power of attorney should be submitted to the Company in hard copy or in electronic form at the latest by the end of the business day preceding the date of the General meeting, namely 17.00 on 31.07.2018.

Sopharma AD will receive and accept valid electronic notices and proxies by e-mail to the following e-mail address: according to the instructions described in the Invitation to convene the General Meeting.