19 Marzec 2015
Sopharma AD (the “Company”) announces that on 19 March 2015 the Company received Notifications for disclosure of share participation under art. 145 of POSA from Donev Investments Holding AD, Telecomplect Invest AD and Telso AD for change in their share participation in Sopharma AD due to the capital increase of Sopharma AD through the merger of Bulgarian Rose Sevtopolis AD.
- Donev Investments Holding AD – the share participation in Sopharma AD decreases from 25.26% to 24.74%;
- Telecomplect Invest AD – the share participation in Sopharma AD decreases from 20.41% to 19.99%;
- Telso AD – the share participation in Sopharma AD increases from 4.98% to 5.29%;
The date of registration of the transaction in the Central Depository AD is 6 March 2015.