Following the adoption of the European Commission guiding principles promoting good governance in the pharmaceutical sector initiated by the former vice-president of the Commission, Antonio Tajani, the EGA (European Generic and Biosimilar medicines Association) stated its commitment on ethics and transparency by introducing its Code of Conduct. The Bulgarian Generic Pharmaceutical Association (BG Pharma), as a member of EGA, also introduces these standards to its Code of Conduct and shall work consistently for their application. The General Assembly of EGA has adopted the Code which sets strong ethical standards to secure transparent relations based on mutual trust between the generic industry and the healthcare community. Adrian van den Hoven, EGA Director General, stated that manufacturers of generic and biosimilar medicines fulfill their commitment towards the EC Guiding Principles on good governance in the pharmaceutical sector by developing and implementing an ethical code for the generic industry regarding the interactions with the healthcare community. Regulations for the application of the Code of Conduct are to be prepared, so that the Code can be applied everywhere in the EU.
EGA Introduces a Code of Conduct for the Manufacture of Generic and Biosimilar Medicines in the EU
11 Marzec 2015