Strona główna > Press > The Business as an Act-of-Kindness Tool

The Business as an Act-of-Kindness Tool

From October 13 to 18, 2015 the Bulgarian Network of the UN Global Compact (BNUNGC) is going to take part in the Global Compact +15 Europe Conference in Berlin. European Global Compact local networks, their members and interested countries will get together to discuss the future of the Corporate Sustainable Development and the UN Global Compact in Europe. The BNUNGC is going to present its most successful projects, making it look as a network operating fully in tune with the principles of partnership between and amongst its members such as I Am Proud of the Work of My Parents and The Responsible Choice. Sopharma is the first company of the network that started The Responsible Choice also as an internal project with discussions on responsible consumption and purchase decision. The goal of the conference is to promote the dialogue between the networks and their members on one side and interested countries (including governments) on the other side. The event will involve both presentations on different topics and practical sessions and discussions. The Business as an Act-of-Kindness Tool and its contribution to the sustainable development of the societies as well as the changes and risks challenging the right to property in the digital age are amongst the most intriguing ones. The meeting is convened in the context of some 2015 historical events: 15th anniversary of the UN Global Compact, the New Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the forthcoming Climate Talks in Paris.