Health days in the Borisova Gradina again

Health days were held on Saturday, 19 May 2012, in the Borisova Gradina. All those wishing to attend could not only measure their blood pressure and the carbon dioxide content in exhaled air values but also to make their first 1000 steps, so useful for their heart and health, on the "Health Alley".

Participant, led by medical specialists, were advised on the problems of and prevention in cardiovascular diseases, as well as on the harm of smoking. More than five hundred people walked the Alley in support of the initiative.


Ognian Donev received the prestigious Business Partner 2012 award

The Executive Director of Sopharma Ognian Donev received the prestigious Business Partner 2012 award yesterday in Belgrade.

The award has been given since 2008 by representatives of the academic community in Serbia. Its Chairman is Prof. Ilija Cosic, Dean of Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad.


Mediamixx 2012 – for freedom of media, of opinions and the drama of series

Mediamixx 2012 – for freedom of media, of opinions and the drama of series

The 18th issue of the International Media Forum Mediamixx 2012 took place from 10 to 13 June 2012 in Albena.

The only media forum in our country gathered over 500 participants and became possible thanks to the support of Sopharma and the principal sponsor Globul.


Health Days in Veliko Tarnovo, Balchik and Kavarna

Health Day was held on 08 June 2012 in Veliko Tarnovo. More than two hundred residents and guests of the old capital were given the opportunity to have their blood pressure, heart rate and body weight measured.


Future is in philanthropy

On 9.06.2012 a team of Sopharma AD together with Mrs. Blagovesta Fakirova, Chairman of Sveti Ioan Rilski Donation Association of the village of Balvan, visited Vasil Levski National Military University in the town of Veliko Tarnovo. During the meeting with the University Management, Sopharma AD donated two portable computers НР 630 to excellent graduate cadets /in disadvantaged social position/.


Appeal to the Media

Dear Media, please inform the public in accordance with the rules of journalism. Four Rules of Journalism: always tell the truth act independently minimize harm be accountable Tribestan® is a herbal product obtained by an original technology from the aerial parts of the plant Tribulus terrestris L. TribulusTerrestris (Tribulus) is a medicinal herb with long tradition and wide use. The name of the herb is derived from the Latin meaning of the word Tribulus.


Vesela Stoeva: This spring in Paris millions of people will repeat the name Bulgaria

On the 14th and 15th of April, one of the largest Bulgarian cultural events for the last decades will take place in Paris. Then, the exhibition “Epopee of Thracian Kings, Archaeological Discoveries in Bulgaria” will open in the Louvre, showing all the opulence of one of the most ancient and creative civilisations in our land. It is expected that the exhibition which will run until the 20th of July will be seen by 4 mln potential visitors.

