Information about treasury shares

SOPHARMA AD hereby informs that from 15 September up to and including 26 September 2016 the Company bought 27 669 own shares representing 0.02% of the share capital of the Company, at a total value of 77 250.62 BGN on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the average price per share was 2.79 BGN.

The trading of treasury shares is pursuant to decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 23 June 2010.

The total number of treasury shares after these transactions is 5 507 381, representing 4.085% of the share capital of the Company.


Information about treasury shares

SOPHARMA AD hereby informs that from 8 September up to and including 14 September 2016 the Company bought 11 024 own shares representing 0.0082% of the share capital of the Company, at a total value of 30 167.82 BGN on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the average price per share was 2.73 BGN.

The trading of treasury shares is pursuant to decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 23 June 2010.

The total number of treasury shares after these transactions is 5 479 712, representing 4.065% of the share capital of the Company.


Acquisition of shares

Sopharma AD (the “Company”) announces that on 12 September 2016 the Company received a notification for the acquisition of 81 401 shares, representing 0.06 % of its capital, by ZUPF Allianz Bulgaria. After the transaction the share of ZUPF Allianz Bulgaria in the capital of Sopharma AD reached 5.05%.


Revenues from sales

For the first eight months of this year, revenues from sales decreased by 4% compared to the same period of 2015, including 5% increase of domestic sales and a 10% decrease of export sales.

Информация за Годишна среща с инвеститорите

Уведомяваме Ви, че на 7 октомври, 2016 година (петък) Софарма АД организира Годишна среща с инвеститорите, на която ще бъде представена и новата интернет страница на Група Софарма. Срещата ще се проведе в конферентния център на Софарма Бизнес Тауърс, гр. София. Каним всички заинтересовани лица да заявят желание за участие до 30 септември, 2016 година на електронен адрес или на телефон (02) 8134 319, за да получат регистрационна форма.

Местата са ограничени.


Co robimy

Rozwój, produkcja i dostawa przystępnego leczenia dla milionów pacjentów.

Zintegrowany model

Jesteśmy wiodącym producentem i dystrybutorem produktów związanych ze zdrowiem. Nasz model biznesowy jest zintegrowany pionowo, płynący poprzez cały łańcuch tworzenia wartości.

