Insider trading disclosure of June, 07 2017 received by DIH
Insider trading disclosure of June, 06 2017 received by DIH
Insider trading disclosure of June, 01 2017 received by DIH
EPSCO: Technologia cyfrowa musi wspierać ogólne cele polityki zdrowotnej
Notification - Sales revenues for the first 7 months of 2017
Sopharma AD notifies that for July 2017 the Company recorded an increase of sales revenues of 17% compared to the same month of 2016, including 2% increase of domestic sales and 25% increase of export sales.
For the first seven months of this year, revenues from sales increased by 18% compared to the same period of 2016, including 1% increase of domestic sales and a 30% increase of export sales.
Insider trading disclosure of August, 2 2017 received by Unipharm AD
Sopharma AD notifies that on 2 August 2017 Sopharma AD acquired 1537 shares from the capital of Unipharm AD as a result of filed requests under the provisions of art. 177b from the LOPS.
Notification for the merger between Achieve Life Sciences, Inc. and OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals
The Company notifies that the merger between Achieve Life Sciences, Inc. and OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals was successfully closed today and as a result of which the stockholders of Achieve have become the majority stockholders of OncoGenex. OncoGenex has been renamed Achieve Life Sciences (NASDAQ: ACHV).
Drużyna spółki Sopharma S.A. wzięła udział w turnieju kolarskim „Gry dla dobra”, będące projektem Bułgarskiej sieci Global Compact ONZ
70 zawodników wzięło udział w charytatywnym turnieju kolarskim na dystansie 80 km, od Sofii do Pirdopa, który jest częścią „Gier dla dobra”. Zawodnicy są pracownikami spółek Aurubis, Overgas, Sopharma i TechnoLogica Jednoos.S.A. Każda drużyna walczyła w imię własnego dobrego celu.
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