Notification for tender offer submitted by Sopharma AD to the shareholders of Unipharm AD

On the grounds of Art. 157 of POSA in connection with Art. 154 of the Public Offering of Securities Act and in connection with the expired deadline for acceptance of the tender offer submitted by Sopharma AD to the shareholders of Unipharm AD, we inform you about the results of the tender offering submitted by Sopharma AD for the purchase of the shares of the other shareholders of Unipharm AD.


Company, object of the offer: Unipharm AD, with management address Sofia 1797, Studentski grad, zh.k. Darvenitsa, Trayko Stanoev Str.



Notification for merger between Achieve Life Sciences and Oncogenex

We are pleased to announce that the next step in the process of merging Achieve Life Sciences and Oncogenex has been completed with the approval of the merger by the US SEC. OncoGenex will hold a special shareholder meeting on 1 August 2017 to vote the merger. Shortly after the newly formed entity will trade on NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker symbol ACHV.

