Vienna Economic Forum awards Sopharma AD

We would like to notify that within the fourteenth meeting of the Vienna Economic Forum “Vienna future dialogue 2017” Ognian Donev PhD, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of Sopharma AD received the Forum award for “Contribution to the economic development on national and regional level”.


BRIZ, a subsidiary of Sopharma, was awarded with the Paracelsus award

We would like to notify that the company BRIZ, a subsidiary of Sopharma, operating on the markets of the Baltics and Belarus, which turned 26 this year, was awarded with the Paracelsus award.
This award is presented every four years by the Association of Pharmacists of the Baltic States in the framework of the Congress of Pharmacists. For the award high-tech and progressive companies are nominated with high quality standards and innovative approach to work.


Sopharma dostała wyróżnienie Cooperation Partner of the Year na 14. edycji Wiedeńskiego Forum Ekonomicznego

W dniu 6 listopada 2017 odbyła się tradycyjna konferencja Wiedeńskiego Forum Ekonomicznego (VEF), w tym roku pod hasłem „Wiedeń 2017: Dyskusja na temat przyszłości” (Wiedeń Future Dialog 2017). Forum skupił się na dwóch głównych tematach: „Żyjemy w erze cyfrowej. Wizje i odpowiedzi inwestorów” i „Regionalna współpraca gospodarcza w ramach integracji europejskiej Gospodarka spotyka się z polityką” jako temat rozmów Okrągłego Stołu.


Notification for the Annual meeting with investors

We would like to notify that an Annual meeting with the investors of Sopharma AD was held on 3 November 2017, which started at 2.30 pm and ended at 6.30 pm. The following announcement regarding the liability was made:

