Sales revenues for December 2021

Sofia, Bulgaria, January 10, 2022 – According to the requirements of art. 100t of LPOS, “Sopharma” AD notifies that for December 2021 the Company recorded a decrease in sales of 4% compared to the same month of the previous year, incl. 32% decrease in domestic sales and 19% increase in export sales.


Conclusion of transactions from the scope of art. 114, para. 2 of the LPOS

Sofia, Bulgaria,  January 6, 2022 – According to the requirements of Art. 100t of LPOS and in connection with Art. 114, para. 9 of the Law on Public Offering of Securities, “Sopharma” AD announces that today, according to a decision of the Board of Directors dated December 21, 2021, the company concluded the following transactions falling within the scope of Art. 114, para. 2 of the LPOS:


  1. 1.       “Sopharma” AD as a BUYER concluded a Contract for purchase and sale of 13 (thirteen) motor vehicles, owned by “Telecomplect” AD, UIC 831643753.



Subskrypcja oferty publicznej warrantów zakończyła się sukcesem

Sofia, Bułgaria, dnia 30 grudnia 2021 roku – Zgodnie z wymogami art. 100t Ustawy o ofercie publicznej papierów wartościowych (UOPPW) spółka Sopharma S.A. informuje publiczność, że Ssbskrypcja oferty publicznej warrantów Spółki zakończyła się sukcesem.

Wyniki oferty publicznej przedstawiają się następująco:


Sale of the share in the capital of the subsidiary SIA „Briz“

София, България, 23 декември 2021 година – Съгласно изискванията на чл. 100т от ЗППЦК, “Софарма“ АД уведомява, че на свое заседание Съветът на директорите прие решение за разпореждане с всички притежавани от Дружеството дялове (100%) в капитала на СИА „Бриз“ (SIA Briz), Латвия. Решението е в изпълнение на стратегията на Дружеството за оптимизиране на търговската дейност, по-добро представяне на всички пазари и увеличаване на добавената стойност за акционерите.

