Completion of the infusion conversion procedure of “Biopharm Engineering” AD

Sofia, Bulgaria, August 23, 2023 – According to the requirements of art. 100t of LPOS, “Sopharma” AD notifies that the transformation by merger of "Biopharm Engineering" AD into "Sopharma" AD has been entered in the Commercial Register with number 20230823133229 with which "Biopharm Engineering" AD was deleted without liquidation. The activity of "Biopharm Engineering" AD is completely transferred to "Sopharma" AD, and all the assets of the merging company are transferred to "Sopharma" AD, which becomes its universal legal successor.  


Sales revenues for July 2023

Sofia, Bulgaria, August 21, 2023 – According to the requirements of art. 100t of LPOS, “Sopharma” AD notifies that for the month of July 2023 the Company realized an increase in sales of 11% compared to the same month of the previous year, incl. 14% decrease in domestic sales and 31% increase in export sales.

For the seven months from the beginning of 2023, sales increased by a total of 13%, incl. a 3% decrease in domestic sales and a 25% increase in export sales.

