Financial Report according to BFCS standards
Financial Report according to IFRS
Additional regulated information
Declaration by responsible directors
Management report
Notes to the financial report
Sopharma AD hereby notifies that on 5 April 2017 Sopharma AD received a decision from the Commission for Protection of Competition that the acquisition of shares of the capital of Doverie Obedinen Holding AD is not subject to preliminary notification under art. 24, para 2 from the Law on Competition at this stage.
Sopharma AD will undertake the respective actions once it reaches the thresholds requiring a tender offering to the remaining shareholders of Doverie Obedinen Holding AD.
Sales revenues for the first quarter of 2017
For the first quarter of this year, revenues from sales increased by 12% compared to the same period of 2016, including 4% decrease of domestic sales and 24% increase of export sales.
Impreza „Bajki w Sopharmie” popiera inicjatywę „Pożyczona wioska” zamierzającą zachować bułgarską wieś
Pisarze i aktorzy zapoznają dzieci z postaciami z bajek. Inicjatywa „Bajki w Sopharmie” ma na celu zachęcenie umiłowania literatury wśród najmniejszych. Impreza odbędzie się w dniu 1 kwietnia (sobota) w godzinach od 11 do 14 na parterze Centrum handlowego Sopharma Towers.
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