Healthy,the Bulgarian mobile application dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, made a gift tothe sixth graders
From this Thursday (October 9) the lessons in Natural History and Biology are going to be illustrated with herbs and spices in Zahari Stoyanov 104th Primary School in Sofia. The students from 6th-A class have planted on their own various plants and participatedwillingly in the design of the garden. Besides the well-known Oregano, Thyme and Rosemary, the children have planted also Stevia - a plant known as a natural substitute for sugar - and learned that the exotic Goji Berry bush can also be cultivated in our country.
Next year, all children in the school, together with their teacher in Biology Ms. Veneta Dimova,are going to takecare of the herb garden. The project forillustrating knowledge with open classes in the garden is fulfilled with the support of Mr. Kapka Velinova,School Principal. A series of studies have shown that school gardening programs improve children's nutrition habits and boost their performance in class.
The school herbalgarden is part of the Causes campaign of Healthymobile application. For several months every user following the advice of Healthy has been able to donate virtual points for carrying out charitable causes of their choice. Upon interest and requestsfrom other schools, Healthy will gradually expand the project for herbal gardens.
The idea of Sopharma, the "publisher" of the application, is to work yet in the childhood toward building a healthy lifestyle and responsible behavior, both to ourselves and to the nature. The project is fulfilled in cooperation with Credo Bonum Foundation. This project is part of the sustainable expansion of social projects and the healthy lifestyle is indispensable part of it as one of the responsible choices everyone has to make.