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Sopharma has got two medals in Business Leaders Olympics 2012

Mr. Svilen Neykov, Minister of Physical Education and Sports and Ms. Catheirne Barber, Deputy Head of Mission at the UK Embassy in Bulgaria, gave a start to the ninth edition of the Olympiad of business leaders organised by the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum. A month before the Olympic Games in London, the sporting spirit of the representatives of Bulgarian business, the Olympic principle of the importance of participation and the numerous raffle prizes contributed to the good mood of all those present on the 30th June 2012.


Improvement of regulatory generic and biosimilar medicines landscape for 2020 for patient needs

On 28.01.2016, the European Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (EGA), a member of which is the Bulgarian Generic Pharmaceutical Association (BGPharmA), held the 15th Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Conference where representatives of 61 regulators from 25 countries made progress in improving the generic and biosimilar regulatory landscape for patient needs.


Donev: Sopharma gets less than 2% of the state funds for medicines

Sopharma gets 1,8% of the public resources spent on medicines. The Government should take into account that progeneric policy is the one to result in savings. This is what the Executive Director of Sopharma AD, Ognian Donev, said in Business Start broadcast on BloombergTVBulgaria. According to his words, although the European practice is for generics to be increasingly penetrating the market, their share in the whole South Europe is very small. According to him, the use of generic medicines will present a possibility to decrease costs and save means for innovations.


Interview with Ognian Donev for Bloomberg TV, Bulgaria

"Sopharma gets less than 2% of the state funds for medicines" Host: Our guest at the studio is the Executive director of "Sopharma", Mr. Ognian Donev, and we’ll talk with him about the Bulgarian business climate. Hello and welcome! Ognian Donev: Hallo! Host: Thank you for accepting to be our guest at "Business Start". Let's begin with the company’s annual statement. Are you satisfied with the report, with Sopharma’s results, etc.? Ognian Donev: The statement is just what it is – a statement.


Eco-educational camp for children in inferior position

Fifteen students will participate in the Eco-educational Camp "With the Smell of Resin" for children from poor families in the Rakitovo region. The camp will be accomplished by a team of the Baikaria Association. Since the interest in this camp is great, children will be selected not by social principle alone (brought up by relatives or by a single parent, or in a family of unemployed). Candidates will write an essay on an environmental topic, and the competition has been organised with the assistance of the school in Rakitovo.

