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The European Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association adopted the disclosure requirements in its Code of Ethics

On 01.15.2016, the members of the European Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (EGA), whose member is also the Bulgarian Generic Pharmaceutical Association (BGPharmA) adopted unanimously the disclosure rules. These rules will constitute an important part of the Code of Ethics of EGA (EGA's Code of Conduct), which was adopted a year ago. The rules provide a framework for disclosing the support to patient organizations and health professionals, such as conducting meetings and educational seminars, as well as assistance for health organizations.


European Communication Summit 2012

International Conference for Corporate Communication and Public Relations “European Communication Summit 2012”, organized yearly by the European Association of Communication Directors, was held in Brussels on the 5-th and 6-th of July 2012.


‘I am Proud of my Parents' Work’ with Annual HR Awards 2015 prize

The collective project „I am Proud of my Parents' Work” carried off the prize at the ceremony of the traditional Annual Human Resources Awards, held on 20.01.2016 at Rainbow Plaza, Sofia. The project of the Bulgarian Global CompactNetworkgained distinction as the best 2015 project for integrating education into business. This award was for HR project for effective and operative interaction between business and education. This is the third year of the project, each issue being „improved” by new ideas and programs.


Spain and Europe Acting Together To Make Sure the Market Has Access to Generic Medicines

A joint meeting of the Spanish Generic Medicines Association (AESEG) and European Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (EGA), whose member is the Bulgarian Generic Pharmaceutical Association (BGPharmA), took place on January 19, 2016 in Barcelona. Highlighting industry’s commitment to increase patients’ access to high-quality medicines, both associations confirmed their commitment to join their efforts and to provide the Spanish market with access to generic medicines.

