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About us

Our purpose

We have an active and crucial role in raising standards of everyday life, in making people healthier, happier and safer.

The Group has a leading market position in Bulgaria
contributing to 66% of its sales of health related products
Our products are available on 40 export markets
employees work for us
We have more than 6400 shareholders

Message of the CEO


Dear friends,

In the past year of 2023, Sopharma celebrated its 90th anniversary! This is a historic moment for us, and we are proud that throughout all these years, we have never strayed from the legacy of the first Bulgarian industrialists – to offer quality and reliable healthcare solutions for generations!

Today, in times of global dynamics, the connection to our roots is our great strength. We have a stable foundation beneath us, which allows us to boldly look forward to new horizons, markets, and opportunities!

It is undeniable that there are moments when the changing world affects us, but even then, we manage to cope and achieve sustainable results. In 2023 alone, our revenues increased by nearly 9%, and net profit from operations marked a 32% growth. At the same time, we continued to grow at the Sopharma Group level.

Now, as the world learns to find opportunities in every change, we at Sopharma remain united around our greatest cause – to bridge generations with care! This is our mission, the driving force behind everything we do, and the motivation for our entire team.

Thank you for your trust, and I wish you a successful year ahead!

Ognyan Donev, PhD

Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of Sopharma AD


Our idea of responsible business
  • The social role of our generic medicines
  • Employment
  • Investments
  • Social diseases responsibility
  • Energy efficiency and low environmental impact
  • National responsible producer