Sofia Mayor opened Sopharma's corporate daycare centre
On 19.03.2012, at 10.00 h, Sopharma's corporate daycare centre for the children of company employees was opened in the presence of Sofia Mayor, Mrs.Iordanka Fandakova.
Kissing is healthy
Kissing is healthy
Over 34 people in love took part in the demonstration that kissing is healthy The first Bulgarian study on kissing took place on Valentine’s Day at Sopharma Business Towers in Sofia. 17 couples in love aged 20 to 30 years joined to prove scientists’ claim that kiss is not only a delight for heart emotions, but it is also healthy for the heart. At the event, the heart rate of the love couples was measured before and after kissing.
Christmas Party at Vrabevo
Christmas Party at Vrabevo
On 14.12.2012, Santa Claus brought presents to the children of Sopharma’s employees at Vrabevo Pharmaceutical Plant, municipality of Troyan. With the theatrical performance, fairy tale heroes, music and dances, the Christmas party brought much joy and Christmas magic for young and od.
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