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On 25th July, HiAchieversrockets will fly off Sopharma Business Towers, charged with positive energy from the Healthy initiative.

HiAchievers: "We thank our partners from Sopharma and the Healthy initiative for their support to the future of Bulgaria!"



Open Air Office

Today is the first working day of the Open Air Office, the only open area cowоrking space initiative till now, accomplished with the cooperation of Sopharma. Open Air Officeprovides work space to everyone whose official duties are not associated with a particular office address. This initiative is entirely in line with the current trends of the sharing economy, providing high-speed wifi from Max, independent power sources for mobile devices provided by Sopharma, coffee and water from Zdravi, and all of this being for free.


Today we observe the International Plastic Bag Free Day

The life of one disposable bag is 12 minutes on the average. The effects on the environment as a result are not just visible, they are dramatic. #banthebag

We, at Sopharma, have for years been using reusable bags made of recycled materials and Degralen for our advertising messages.


Information about treasury shares

SOPHARMA AD hereby informs that from 29 July 2016 up to and including 1 August 2016 the Company bought 10 853 own shares representing 0.0081% of the share capital of the Company, at a total value of 29 813.99 BGN on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the average price per share was 2.75 BGN.

The trading of treasury shares is pursuant to decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 23 June 2010.

The total number of treasury shares after these transactions is 5 463 774, representing 4.05% of the share capital of the Company.


Information about treasury shares

SOPHARMA AD hereby informs that on 28 July 2016 the Company bought 2968 own shares representing 0.0022% of the share capital of the Company, at a total value of 8011.26 BGN on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the average price per share was 2.70 BGN.

The trading of treasury shares is pursuant to decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 23 June 2010.

The total number of treasury shares after these transactions is 5 452 921, representing 4.05% of the share capital of the Company.


Paying of dividends

SOPHARMA AD hereby informs that the Company will commence the paying of dividends for 2015 on 3 August 2016 in accordance with a List of Entitled Persons as at 1 July 2016, prepared by the Central Depository.

Pursuant to the Regulations of the Central Depository AD the dividend will be paid out as follows: to shareholders with client accounts at an investment intermediary – through the investment intermediary, to shareholders without accounts at an investment intermediary – through the branches of Eurobank EFG - Bulgaria AD /Postbank/ in the country.

