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Riding a bike is healthy

Riding a bike helps lowering the number of automobiles and influences the environment in a positive way. With a bike we can rediscover the city we live in.

Sopharma and Darik challenged 10 bicycle reporter with 10 DRAG  Bicycles to show the advantages and pleasure from traveling on two wheels around the city.
The #Sopharmabike campaign aims to inspire more people to ride a bicycle in the city, to submerge them in interesting bike routes, to show them the secret bike legends, to give advice for equipment, bike applications, exercise, healthy eating and others.

With a bike we can rediscover the city we live in

From March until the end of May 2015 on the streets of Sofia everyone could see 10 bicycle reporters, who were on an adventure to interview on two wheels, showing musical, gourmet, cultural and all other bike routes, sharing messages of active and healthy way to live, and the belief that “riding a bike is health”.

On the 9th of July, 2015, during the disputed race for the European Tennis tournament for veterans from the Bulgarian National Tennis Centre, the innovative eco bicycle connection “Zdravi” was opened.
It is the first from a series of bike stands, part of the #sopharmabike, co-project of Sopharma, Darik and Drag. The bicycle connection (stand) “Zdravi” if for 12 bicycles and is located in the Tennis courts in the Borisova Garden. For the opening the future tennis stars training in the Bulgarian National Tennis Centre, received an unexpected present – eco bird houses, which they had to assemble alone and put where they want, as well as the opportunity to leave their bikes in a beautiful and safe place.

The next bicycle connection (stand) was opened a few months later in front of the national library St Cyril and Methodius. The ambition of the creators of the project is to create and build more new beautiful bicycle connection stands from natural materials, which will change the city environment.
The places were decided after a Facebook voting, while the filming process for creation and positioning by our friends from #Urbanik can be seen in the inspiring video!

#‎sopharmabike‬‬‬‬ ‪#‎здрави‬‬‬‬ ‪#‎Дарикрадио‬‬‬‬ ‪#‎Дарикекип‬‬‬‬ ‪#‎Urbanik‬‬‬‬

Interesting and helpful videos from the project can be accessed on the video blog of #healthynewsmedia