For the second consecutive year Tennis Day with Sopharma was held together with the National Tennis Center on May 20, 2017 (Saturday). Traditionally, all Sopharma employees and shareholders as well as their families had the opportunity to take part in it.
The tennis feast included a children's camp supervised by a professional coach and a blitz tournament for tennis players feeling confident. The game Getting Started in Tennis lasted an hour and tennis rackets and balls were made available.
Players wishing to participate in the tennis tournament could choose between single or double matches for a couple of hours. Players wishing to participate in the tennis tournament could choose between single or double matches for a couple of hours. The games were guided by a professional judge.
Spartak Keremedchiev is the winner of the Tennis Day with Sopharma. This year only male singles were organized and we saw players representing administration offices, the Tablet Plant as well as Sopharma plants in Vrabevo and Kazanlak.