Latest update:
Thursday, August 4, 2016 - 11:18
Today is the first working day of the Open Air Office, the only open area cowоrking space initiative till now, accomplished with the cooperation of Sopharma. Open Air Officeprovides work space to everyone whose official duties are not associated with a particular office address. This initiative is entirely in line with the current trends of the sharing economy, providing high-speed wifi from Max, independent power sources for mobile devices provided by Sopharma, coffee and water from Zdravi, and all of this being for free.
The idea of Open Air Officeis to create a possibility for work in a healthier and more creative environment, without air-conditioning and with the endless creative energy coming from the inevitable crowdsourcing. Open Air Officeis located at 16 Krakra Str., in the garden of BACBand is happening with the conceptual participation of Credo Bonum Foundation. The Office will be open every workday from 19th until 23rd of July, between 09:00 a.m. and 20:00 p.m.