Latest update:
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 - 16:11
Sofia, Bulgaria, November 30, 2021 – According to the requirements of Art. 100t of LPOS, “Sopharma” AD notifies that on the basis of Art. 187b of the Commercial Law and Art. 111 para. 5 and para. 6 of LPOS and in connection with a decision of the General Meeting of the company held on February 23, 2018 and a decision of the Board of Directors of November 30, 2021, “Sopharma” AD notifies that the company intends to buy its own shares in the restriction under Art. 111 para. 5 of LPOS, as follows:
- Number of shares subject to repurchase – 2 600 000 (two million and six hundred thousand) shares;
- Repurchase price - BGN 4,26 per share of the company's capital;
- Repurchase date: December 1, 2021;
- Licensed investment intermediary who has been given the purchase order - "First Financial Brokerage House" ООD.
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