Latest update:
Tuesday, September 19, 2017 - 13:41
Sopharma AD notifies that on 18 September 2017 Sopharma AD acquired 345 shares from the capital of Unipharm AD as a result of filed requests under the provisions of art. 177b from the LOPS.
We kindly remind all shareholders of Unipharm AD who did not take part in the tender offering extended by Sopharma AD that they have the right to that their shares be redeemed until 19 September 2017. The request must be in writing and contain information about the shareholder and the shares he owns. The request should be addressed to the authorized investment intermediary Elana Trading AD. The price per share of Unipharm AD for the offer under Art. 157a and in exercising the rights of the shareholders under Art. 157b, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 157a, para. 3 is equal to the price of the offered offering of 4.35 BGN per share.