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Scientists from around the world: Bulgarian medicinal product is a top news headline in the fight against smoking

A Bulgarian medicinal product is the most efficient device for smoking cessation. This has been announced by New Zealand scientists as a conclusion from an independent study conducted by them. They carried out a study to compare the effect of the Bulgarian Tabex® - one of the leading products in Sopharma's portfolio, and the nicotine-replacement therapy (CASCAID). The results were published in the prestigious medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine.


Unintended consequences

This is the result when you succeed in connecting some people with other people through your brand, going beyond the usual business of your company. One of the most innovative communication approaches for winning recognition of the brand you believe in and want to be a part of people's lives and emotions. It turned out that we started that level of communication already in 2011. At the time, we went out into parks and squares all over the country to take free measurements of vital indicators of everyone willing that and for this purpose we opened posts at SCS pharmacies.


The 2015 Campaign against the spread of the bluetongue disease started on time

Vaccination against bluetongue has started since the first week of March, within the efficacy season required, before culicoides, mosquitoes spreading the disease have started flying. The Campaign is in accordance with the approved national plan and EC sanction, confirmed the Executive Director of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency, Prof. Plamen Mollov, at a special press conference. Vaccines for a total amount of BGN 4 625 000 were supplied by relevant decision of the Government. Brussels will reimburse half of that amount.


EGA Introduces a Code of Conduct for the Manufacture of Generic and Biosimilar Medicines in the EU

Following the adoption of the European Commission guiding principles promoting good governance in the pharmaceutical sector initiated by the former vice-president of the Commission, Antonio Tajani, the EGA (European Generic and Biosimilar medicines Association) stated its commitment on ethics and transparency by introducing its Code of Conduct. The Bulgarian Generic Pharmaceutical Association (BG Pharma), as a member of EGA, also introduces these standards to its Code of Conduct and shall work consistently for their application.


Ognian Donev: We spend more resources on science and progress

Ognian Donev, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of Sopharma AD, speaking for Banker newspaper Mr Donev, your company completed 2014 with profit but both it and its sales are declining. Do you expect this tendency to continue during the coming months? - The main reason for the lack of growth last year is the crisis in two basic markets where the company has long traditions and very good positions – in Russia and in Ukraine. The unpredictability of the situation there caused discrepancy between our plans (for the year) and reality.

