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O. Donev: I did not manage to purchase as many shares of Sopharma as I wanted to

If Sopharma does not place orders with Bulgarian Rose – Sevtopolis, within a year the company will appear on the news like VMZ Sopot, said Donev Mr. Donev, you announced that you bought part of the shares sold during the last few days. A view was expressed in the forum that the buyers wanted to purchase more shares but the seller had no more shares to sell and that was why the shares of Sopharma rose. Are there any more shares for sale? Unfortunately, I myself couldn’t buy as many shares as I wanted to.


Sopharma - Partner of the Bulgarian National Radio in the Project

78 photos for the 78th anniversary of BNR From January 24th to February 24th Sopharma Business Towers will host the exhibition of the Advertising and Publishing House of BNR, presenting 78 of the most interesting photos in the competition "The Man Who Inspires Me".


Largest corporate donor 2014

President Plevneliev hosted the awarding of the Ninth annual prizes „Largest Corporate Donor 2014". This competition awards prizes to domestic companies that consistently and transparently support initiatives and causes significant for the society. This year's ceremony focused the voluntary work, volunteer's efforts and role in society, as well as the accomplished changes.


I am proud of the work of my parents

Sopharma AD welcomed children of its employees under the projectofUnitedNationsGlobalCompactNetworkBulgaria "I am proud of the work of my parents ".

