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The book Illustrated Pharmacology, dedicated to the Prof. Dr. Dimitar Paskov's anniversary, came out

The book Illustrated Pharmacology for students at the Medical University and Colleges came off the press with the assistance of Sopharma. The author of the book is Prof. Dr. Nadka Boyadzhieva, whose teacher the famous Professor Dr. Paskov was. The author dedicated the book to his birthday anniversary. The Professor-inventor is known for his development of the Bulgarian medicine Nivalin, manufactured to this day, too, by Sopharma. This anniversary is a special one, since it follows the 80 year jubilee anniversary of Sopharma.


Sopharma started the construction of a new high-rack warehouse

Today, Sopharma started the construction of a new high-rack warehouse for finished dosage forms started in Sofia. The construction of the new high-rack warehouse will take one year and the total floor area will be 4555 m². The total number of pallet spaces will be 4165, and workrooms will be ten. The architect is Tilev Architects Ltd.


Ognian Donev: Has Stanishev called state companies to keep their money in Corporate Commercial Bank?

Iliana Benovska: Mr. Vasilev came out yesterday with a statement from Vienna, in which he said that somebody was trying to buy his assets with cheap money.

Ognian Donev: Mrs. Benovska, I think I am the last person you should put in the position of Tsvetan Vasilev’s lawyer.

Iliana Benovska: I make you an analyst.

Ognian Donev: The least of Delian Peevski because I am subjectively burdened. And at the same time we should see what is the effect not on me as a physical person but what is the effect on economy, this is more important.


Employers and Trade Unions Want Supervisory Committee for CTB

Today Trade Unions and employers' organizations called for a Steering Committee to deal with problems relevant to the Corporate Commercial Bank (CCB).The idea of such steering committee is developed in a letter sent to the President, Prime Minister, Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank, Head of the Financial Supervision Committee and the parliamentary political party leaderships.


Mr. Rossen Plevneliev President of the Republic of Bulgaria

Mr. Plamen Oresharski Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria

