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Cherni Vrah Bicycle Rally 2013

The tenth jubilee edition of the "Drag-Cherni Vrah" competition of mountain biking, cross-country race, took place on October 5th, 2013. Over 200 participants passed the 40-km route from Boyana to Cherni Vrah and back with much enthusiasm and satisfaction. Sopharma AD was again a partner to the rally and was highly appraised by both organizers and participants.


Stable social program for support of employees

In accomplishment of its social program for support of its employees, Sopharma provides the opportunity for the children to accompany their parents "at work" at Simba Nursery School. The Company provides on its account part of the resources required for the education, training and care of the children. This way the charge for the parents has remained unchanged, i.e. BGN 60, together with the relief that their children are safe and close to them.


ON!Fest – the festival for urban culture looking into the future

From the 20th to the 22nd of September, Sofia hosted ON!Fest, a unique festival in Bulgaria for urban culturet hat unfolded its huge potential with the help of Sopharma as well.

During the two days of the Festival, everyone could find his passion: gaming, graffiti, parkour, anime competition, comprehensive program.

The finals of the Balkan tournament for the most played game in theworld for 2013 - League of Legends, could be watched on huge screens in the festival rooms.


Sopharma joined the global initiative PARK(ing) Day

On 20.09.2013 Sopharma became part of the global annual event PARK(ing) Day aiming to temporarily transform public spaces through creative experiments.

The project originated in 2005 in the USA, when Art and Design Studio Rebar transformed a parking lot into a city park for several hours. This event’s mission is to attract the attention to the need for more open green spaces in urban environment.

