The manufacturing of medicinal products is for us not only a matter of implementing a certain technological process, but a human mission based on high standards of quality, safety and efficacy of medications
The thirteenth edition of the World Meeting of Bulgarian Media has officially started today, 05.10.2017 in Chisinau, Moldova and will continue until the 08.10.2017. Representatives of over 30 Bulgarian media from Europe, USA and Canada take part in the Forum.
We would like to notify that on November 3 2017 (Friday) Sopharma AD organizes an Annual Meeting with Investors, on which Sopharma AD and Sopharma Trading AD will present the main goals achieved and the new challenges. The meeting will take place in the Conference center of Sopharma Business Towers, Sofia.
Sopharma AD notifies that for September 2017 the Company recorded an increase of sales revenues of 8% compared to the same month of 2016, including 1% decrease of domestic sales and 11% increase of export sales.
SOPHARMA AD hereby informs that on 26 September 2017 the Company bought 1000 own shares representing 0.00074% of the share capital of the Company, at a total value of 4400.00 BGN on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the average price per share was 4.4 BGN.
The trading of treasury shares is pursuant to decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 23 June 2010.
In conjunction with the tender offering made on the grounds of Art. 149 para. 6 of the Public Offering of Securities Act and the right of the shareholders who have not accepted the offer under Art. 157b, we provide information for the fulfillment of the obligation of Sopharma AD under this Article:
1. The offeror has bought a total of 125 530 shares with voting right of Unipharm AD;
2. 17 shareholders have applied for share buy-back under the right given to them by Art. 157b of POSA.
SOPHARMA AD hereby informs that on 21 September 2017 the Company bought 6635 own shares representing 0.0049% of the share capital of the Company, at a total value of 28750.33.00 BGN on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the average price per share was 4.33 BGN.
The trading of treasury shares is pursuant to decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 23 June 2010.