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Notification for the distribution of bonus shares for the 85th anniversary of Sopharma AD

Sopharma AD (3JR: “BSE-Sofia” AD, SPH: Warsaw Stock Exchange) announces that yesterday it distributed 277 400 shares to 1 733 employees in compliance with the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders of June 15, 2018 to distribute bonus shares among the employees of the Company for its 85th anniversary. The procedure involved training of all employees for the respective rights they would have as shareholders in the company. The shares of some employees on maternity / paternity leave or long-term sick leave have not yet been allocated.


Meeting with investors

Sopharma AD (3JR: “BSE-Sofia” AD, SPH: Warsaw Stock Exchange) kindly invites you to the Annual Investor Relations Meeting that will take place on November 16, 2018, starting at 13:30 in Sofia, 16, Rozhen Blvd., and will include a meeting with the management of the two companies and a visit to the Regional Distribution Center of Sopharma Trading AD automated with the KNAPP system.


Sales revenues for September 2018

Sopharma AD (3JR: “BSE-Sofia” AD, SPH: Warsaw Stock Exchange) notifies that for September 2018 the Company recorded decrease of sales revenues of 7% compared to the same month of 2017, including 55% increase of domestic sales and a decrease of 28% of export sales.

