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The shareholding of CUPF Alianz Bulgaria in the capital of Sopharma AD

Sopharma AD received a a notification for disclosure of a shareholding under Art. 145 of the CUPF Allianz Bulgaria for acquiring shares from the capital of Sopharma AD, as a result of which the shareholding of CUPF Allianz Bulgaria in the capital of Sopharma AD exceeds the limit of 5% and reaches 5.09%.

The date of the registration of the transaction with the Central Depository is January 23, 2019.


Sales revenues for December 2018

Sopharma AD (3JR: “BSE-Sofia” AD, SPH: Warsaw Stock Exchange) notifies that for December 2018 the Company recorded an increase of sales revenues of 26% compared to the same month of 2017, including 75% increase of domestic sales and a decrease of 1% of export sales.

In 2018 revenue from sales of goods decreased by 3% compared to the same period in 2017, incl. 3% increase in sales for the domestic market and 7% decrease in export sales.

