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Wednesday, May 18, 2016 - 12:56
Mr. Svilen Neykov, Minister of Physical Education and Sports and Ms. Catheirne Barber, Deputy Head of Mission at the UK Embassy in Bulgaria, gave a start to the ninth edition of the Olympiad of business leaders organised by the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum. A month before the Olympic Games in London, the sporting spirit of the representatives of Bulgarian business, the Olympic principle of the importance of participation and the numerous raffle prizes contributed to the good mood of all those present on the 30th June 2012. Enthusiastic representatives of Sopharma, Darik Web, Anglo-American School, AstraZeneca, Aurubis, BNP Paribas, Danone, UBB, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Siemens, Hewlett-Packard, CEZ Bulgaria, Chelopech Mining and others participated in the competitions in football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, court tennis, table tennis, darts, arm wrestling, chess, backgammon, scrabble, bellot and salsa. Two medals - silver for badminton /men/ and bronze for darts /men/, won the representatives of Sopharma.
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