In the week dedicated to the healthy lifestyle at Mondelez, May 25 and 26 were dedicated to the subject of smoking and the benefits of smoking cessation. During the two-day campaign under the logo "Smoking or Health",from 11:30 to 13:30 andfrom 14:00 to 16:30 the interested employees will be able to measure СО level in the lungs and make a test for addiction. Representative of DHI will tell them more about both tests and about smoking itself. Those interested in how to quit cigarettes easier will be able to learn more about Tabex® which has been confirmed as the most efficient therapy for cigarette quitting. Everybody will be able to get acquainted with the mobile assistant Ex smoker that renders daily support to the persons who took the challenge to become ex smokers.
Ex smoker and Tabex® in Mondelez
25 May 2015