The Bulgarian network of the UN Global Compact launched this year's edition of the program "Responsible choice" under the slogan "One counts", hosted by "Sopharma"AD.
The "Responsible choices" is a part of the Strategic plan 2015 + of the UNGC aimed at achieving UN’s tasks for sustainable development and in particular Task No 12 related to responsible consumption. Within the "Responsible choice" program the Bulgarian network of the UN Global Compact focuses its attention on the transparency in the responsible production and supply on the part of companies; to demonstrate to the consumers that through their acts and purchases they have the power to change production practices, to manage the "fashion trends" imposed by advertisers and to educate not only their own selves but young people too in a culture of anti-consumerism. The program seeks to place the citizens in an active position by giving them a sense of confidence that their daily actions and choices matter. Its start was given in 2015 by six initiator companies: Overgas Inc., Sopharma AD, TechnoLogica EAD, ContourGlobal Maritsa Iztok AD, VUSF and Mobiltel AD with the participation of the executive director of the Global Compact, Mr. Georg Kell.
The program includes company in-house training of the personnel arranged in two basic modules developed by specialists in the field - “The responsible consumer” and “Consumer’s rights”,