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Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 14:09
On 06 of November 2017 the 14th Vienna Economic Forum organized Vienna Future Dialogue 2017 at Novomatic Forum in Vienna.
After the Official Opening of the Vienna Future Dialogue 2017 the Forum was divided into two plenary sessions - “We live in a digital time! Visions and investors‘ response” and Round Table Discussion “Regional cooperation as a part of the European integration”.
The topic of the first session was “Digital Economy and Society – Expectations and Reality” and was moderated by Ognian Donev, PhD, Chairman of the Board of Directors & Executive Director, Sopharma AD, Bulgaria and Vice-President of Vienna Economic Forum. High-ranking speakers from economy and politics from Europe and neighboring regions discussed how investments can be a motor to competitiveness and growth and what is the impact the global digitalization on them.
The joint lunch, hosted by Sopharma, was followed by the Round table dedicated to the theme “Regional cooperation as a part of the European integration”, under the motto “Economy meets Politics”. High-level representatives from politics and economy from the region, Europe and beyond discussed the necessity of collaboration between these two fields for the common development of regional economy and politics as part of a united Europe.
2017 photocredit:VEF
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