Sopharma AD hereby notifies all shareholders of the Company about the decision of the AGM of Sopharma AD that took place on June 2th, 2017 regarding the amount and type of dividend distributed and the terms and conditions for its distribution:
AGM approves the proposal by the Board of Directors for the distribution of dividend at the amount of 0.10 BGN /ten stotinki/ per share with dividend right.
The persons eligable for dividend are those present in the register of the Central Depository 14 days after the day of the AGM on which the Annual Financial Report was approved and the decision for dividend was taken.
After the exact amount of the dividend has been determined, based on a list of shareholders, provided. In accordance with the Regulations of the Central Depository, the dividend shall be paid out as follows: for shareholders with client accounts at an investment intermediary – through the investment intermediary, for shareholders without accounts at an investment intermediary - through the branches of Eurobank EFG - Bulgaria AD /Postbank/ in the country. Payment of dividend will commence within three months from the date of the AGM, on which the payment of dividend was approved.