Writers and actors will acquaint the children with fairy tales characters. The initiative “Tales in Sopharma” aims at encouraging the love for literature in the youngest children. The event will take place on the 1st of April (Saturday) from 11:00 h till 14:00 h on the ground floor of the Sopharma Towers Trade Centre.
The author of children’s books Radostina Nikolova and the illustrator and author Maya Bocheva will not only meet the children with their characters but will also organise two wonderful workshops: “Easter Workshop with Motts” and “Make Yourself a Book with What You Have Around”. The actors Ivaylo Zahariev, Joanna Temelkova and Simona Halacheva will take the children across the literary adventure of their favourite booklets.
In a separate space, the guests will look at handmade souvenirs which they can buy, and the collected funds will be donated to the charitable cause “Borrow a Village”.
This is a project of National Community Centre “Consciousness-1927” and provides young people from the city with an opportunity to donate their energy, care and attention to elderly people, to work for the improvement of the environment and to look for solutions to revive small towns and villages.
The volunteers are young people who have never lived in the countryside, and at the homes and hearts of their hosts there is always room for “borrowed grandchildren”.
After the success of the first edition of the project, the organisers are looking for funding for the sustainable development of “Borrow a Village” so that it can meet the great interest from volunteers and local inhabitants. According to the first "borrowed villagers”, Dolni Vadin is a suitable place for an Art Village - a base for artists, actors and musicians and nature lovers where they can create with the Danube river in the background.
“With the “Borrow a Village” project we improve the living environment of the elderly, we bring diversity into their daily grind and provide them with an opportunity to feel useful and important. We give them a bit of hope that our countryside has not been forgotten. On the other hand, we promote small towns and villages as an opportunity for full recreation utilising the natural resources and quietness that the village of Dolni Vadin offers.”, says Anelia Spasova from “Consciousness” Community Centre , manager of the project.
BGN 3000 are necessary to cover the transportation costs of the participants, their accommodation and food, the materials and organisation. We believe that with “Tales in Sopharma” we will help the initiative “Borrow a Village”.