16 August 2016
In accordance with the provisions of art. 27, para 3 from Ordinance 2 on the prospectuses Sopharma AD hereby advises that the company has published and disseminated information to the public in the last 12 months in the Republic of Bulgaria and in other member states in the following ways:
1. Through the unified information system of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange E-register - www.fsc.bg;
2. Through X3news information agency - http://www.x3news.com;
3. Through the electroinc media Investor.bg - www.investor.bg;
4. Through Infostock bulletin – www.infostock.bg/;
4. Through Infostock bulletin – www.infostock.bg/;
5. Through the internet web site of the company – www.sopharma.bg;
6. Through the Polish Financial Supervision Commission system ESPI;
7. Through the Polish Press Agency – www.pap.pl