Home > Press > Results of conditional capital increase of Sopharma AD by exercising warrants from an issue with ISIN BG9200001212

Results of conditional capital increase of Sopharma AD by exercising warrants from an issue with ISIN BG9200001212

Sofia, Bulgaria, January 15, 2025 – According to the requirements of art. 100t of LPOS, “Sopharma” AD (SFA: Bulgarian Stock Exchange, SPH: Warsaw Stock Exchange) notifies that in pursuance of a decision of the Board of Directors of SOPHARMA AD from October 14, 2024 and based on art. 195 and art. 196 of the Commercial Law (CL), art. 113, para. 2, item 2 of Law on public offering of securities (LPOS) and art. 25 of the Articles of incorporation of the company a procedure for capital increase was launched for issuing up to  623 779 ordinary registered dematerialized freely transferable shares with a nominal value of BGN 1 each and issue value of BGN 4.13 for one share, under the condition that the shares of the increase are subscribed by the holders of warrants of issue with ISIN BG9200001212, in accordance with the terms and conditions described in the Prospectus for Public Offering of Warrants, confirmed by a Decision of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) No 804-E/ 04.11.2021.

The deadline for exercising warrants set by the Board of Directors in accordance with the requirements of the LPOS and the Prospectus for Public Offering of Warrants, confirmed by FSC Decision No 804-E/ 04.11.2021 started on November 6, 2024 and ended on January 13, 2025. The warrant holders had the last opportunity to exercise their rights under them in connection with item 12 of the Prospectus for the initial public offering of warrants, confirmed by Decision of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) No. 804 – E/04.11.2021. With the maturity of the issue, the unexercised rights under the warrants are terminated.

At a meeting of the Board of Directors of BSE AD under Minutes of meeting No. 73/31.10.2024, a decision was made on the basis of Art. 41, para. 1, item 2 of Part III Rules for Admission to Trading of the Rules of Procedure of BSE AD, taking into effect from 05.11.2024, to terminate the registration of an issue with ISIN code: BG9200001212, stock exchange code of the issue: SFAW on the Exchange-Traded products (ETP) Segment of the BSE Main Market. The reason for termination was an application for termination of trading in the warrant issue submitted by the issuer. The last day of trading in this issue was 04.11.2024.

During this period, a total of 36 applications were received for subscription of shares from the increase by exercising warrants, submitted by 35 persons, of which 3 legal entities and 32 individuals. A total of 619 138 (six hundred and nineteen thousand one hundred and thirty-eight) warrants were exercised during the procedure and against them 619 138 (six hundred and nineteen thousand one hundred and thirty-eight) shares were subscribed from the convertible temporary issue issued for the purposes of the procedure with ISIN BG1500008245, which after registration of the increase in the Commercial Register will be converted into the main issue of shares.

The issue value of the subscribed shares is in the total amount of BGN 2 557 039.94 (two million five hundred fifty-seven thousand thirty-nine leva and 94 stotinki).

During the period for subscription, including during the exercise of the warrants and the subscription of the shares, the Company has encountered no difficulties, disputes or similar issues. The subscription is considered successful.

A procedure for registration of the capital increase in the Commercial Register, in the registers of the Central Depository AD, the Financial Supervision Commission, etc. is forthcoming.