„Radio К2": The Chairman of CEIBG, Mr. Ognian Donev, good evening!
Ognian Donev: Good evening to you and your audience!
„Radio К2": Could you summarize for the air of „Radio K2" the results of the election of the new heads of CEIBG?
Ognian Donev: The vote had been performed regarding the vacation of ten seats in our supervisory board. As your audience may know, the supervisory board of CEIBG consists of 27 people. Today had been elected ten of them, i.e. we renew the supervisory board with ten new members.
„Radio К2": Mr. Donev, CEIBG has announced a declaration claiming the resignation of the government and early elections, following after the election of Delyan Peevski on 14th of June for chairman of SANS. Do you still maintain this line today, with what new evidences, that this parliament and the government must resign and to have elections, or perhaps the large capital liked the 42-nd Parliament and the government of Oresharski?
Ognian Donev: Our position has not changed; it is the position that has been presented in our declaration dating from 19 – th of June this year. It is not a question of like or dislike; it is a question of management of the state in favor of the entire nation.
„Radio К2": Are you oligarchs in CEIBG? Don’t you need of any government to pile money?
Ognian Donev: If you assume that tens of thousands and more oligarchs are members of CEIBG then perhaps you are right. Then, it will be a mass movement.
„Radio К2": Can you, certainly fight to tear down the jelly body money, power, oligarchs, lack of justice, servant medias?
Ognian Donev: Our position is clear, we stand behind our understanding of doing business, doing business under the conditions of market economy following all the rules. We don’t have even one company member, and we proud ourselves with that fact, which is not paying the salaries of its employees or to be in the grey economy, to not insure its employees. These are principles, which are to be kept and are conditions for membership of CEIBG. Certainly if you are a member of CEIBG, you do not commit to such a type of practices, I think that our organization will be successful, if we manage to fight over these practices, which are in the sphere of the economy.
„Radio К2": Mr. Donev, the six month term to move out from the Corporate commercial bank the money of the state expires today, and this has not happened. It happened that Cvetan Vasilev had been elected for banker of the year, what is your analysis?
Ognian Donev: I can not take a position, as have not followed where the state companies hold their money.
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